Jesus the Guide

John 14: 1-7 “Do not let your hearts be troubled. You believe in God; believe also in me. My Father’s house has many rooms; if that were not so, would I have told you that I am going there to prepare a place for you? And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come back and take you to be with me so that you also may be where I am.


On a shelf behind me and just above eye level is a book that haunts me, “Fifty Places to Fly Fish Before You Die.” Each place chapter includes stunning photography of grand beauty and always includes a fly fisherman living the dream.  Once and a while I take it down and read about the grandeur of each place. I fantasize for a moment or two. I envision the availability of hungry fish almost begging me to cast a piece of feather and fur in their area. Why does it haunt me?  Fifty places are just too much. Each page has a drag on my soul, knowing “It can’t be done.” Fifty places are impossible. It is a promise without hope. And for some, heaven is much like my fishing book.

All the visions, and wishes, are accompanied by feelings of unattainability and it silently haunts us. We want to go but the price is too high.  Today, I am well assured that this place called heaven is more wonderful and sweeter than any stream in Alaska.  My Jesus has promised me.  He gives me the opportunity.  He provides the path.  So just below my shelf with all my fishing books, at my eye level is a better book.  A book that brings hope and promise. A book that brings calming joy, for it tells of a single destination of peace.

What shall we call Him? Jesus the guide.