What is Wisdom?

What is wisdom? It is not academic, or philosophic, or even intellectual. Wisdom is not knowledge. A person can have a PHD and not be wise but an educated fool. We live in the most skilled, knowledgeable, technically advanced generation ever. But we also live in the most profane, violent, self-centered, and the most divided generation ever. We have knowledge and it results in nothing but chaos. We need wisdom in our government, in our marketplace, in our homes, in our churches, and in our lives. For without wisdom, we are nothing but the sound of waves bashing itself against an immovable shore all sound and fury signifying nothing.
We need to heed the words of James: If any man lacks wisdom, let him ask of God. The “IF” in the beginning of this phrase tells me of four kinds of people. First, there are some that have it and no one listens, second some don’t know they need wisdom, third there are some that know they need wisdom but don’t ask, and fourth there are some that need know their lack and ask of God. It is this fourth type that God will endow with wisdom.