
Matthew 6:34 “Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself.  Each day has enough trouble of its own.”


Much like Oliver Twist written by Charles Dickens, we state sheepishly to God, “Please sir, I want some more.”  We come, we petition, and we stand in line with the expectations of another scoop of daily stuff. My hope is that the portion allotted to me will be better than yesterday and live in the hope that tomorrow the scoop will be even better.

As I start my day with a cup of coffee in my cave-like study, a day’s portion is supplied, with the expectation of less trouble and more gladness. The expectations are not necessarily for more, just in a better proportion.  Under my breath, I pray, “Tomorrow, I want more of the good stuff and much less of the not-so-good.”

Today is also supplied with enough grace and mercy for me to get through. Enough of God’s provision to overcome the not-so-good. And not enough to carry over for tomorrow. Today, as I go about the day’s business and life, ”I proclaim it is enough” because it all comes from God.

# Just Larry

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