Category Archives: Thanksgiving

Timely and Timeless

Isaiah 12:4-5 “And on that day you will say, “Give thanks to the LORD, call on His name. Make known His deeds among the peoples; make them remember that His name is exalted.” Praise the LORD in song, for He has done glorious things; let this be known throughout the earth.” (NASB)


Isaiah was a prophet to a people about to be overrun by a cruel and oppressive nation led by the ruthless king Sennacherib. The prophet preached that the coming overthrow was a direct result of the wickedness and sinfulness of his homeland. Nevertheless, he also preached that there was light at the end of the tunnel—that the nation would come out of this captivity, not stronger as a nation but stronger spiritually.

There are times in our lives when things happen.  Pandemics, inflation, isolation, political disagreements, homelessness, poverty, and the like, all happen, and we wonder why. It is easy to understand Isaiah’s heavenly viewpoint and see the underlying cause of our nation’s turmoil, grief, and lack of unity which can be directly attributed to a lack of Godliness. I also believe we will get through it all.  There will be a day when His people will humble themselves and pray and God will heal our land. There will be a day when we call on His name and be thankful to the LORD seeing the tough times as necessary for our good times.  We will praise the LORD in song and proclaim his lovingkindness to the world.  And I will be thankful that this timely and timeless promise is for me.

Just Larry
