Category Archives: Ramblings

Restoration of AWE

Christmas has changed since I was a child.  The four of us kids slept in the same room and Christmas was always a special time.  If you looked carefully through the vent you would see into the living room to view the Christmas tree.  All decked out with both homemade ornaments a whole lot of tinsel.  Mom and Dad would never put our presents under the tree until the night before.  The anticipation for the big day was palpable. The change in this experience of Christmas is a change in expectation.  Kids submit there “have to have” list and expect the parents to come through.  The guess work is all gone. There is no awe.

It could well be that Christmas now starts almost a month earlier during the Thanksgiving celebration.  With Black Friday and Cyber Monday, it seems so contrived and commercialized.  It feels like the day after Halloween the Christmas commercials begin. I try to hold Christmas at bay in my mind until after Thanksgiving.

In a world drowning in trinkets and knickknacks, reruns and plastic, people are hungry for the real thing.

The celebration has become an event.  Big difference. One is filled with awe and expectation, and the other is just one more milestone to mark off the calendar.

At the heart of the celebration is not a tree and presents.  It is not Santa and red-nosed reindeer.  What it is and what will instill in my life the rightful place of awe, is to understand it is about a single gift.  A gift given freely by a man almost 2000 years ago.  It is a gift that met a need of my life for redemption. It was a gift that was both revelation and reconciliation.  And He did it for me.

I don’t believe there’s a formula that helps overwhelmed, sometimes jaded, struggling-for-a-new-Noel-angle members to reclaim our lost wonder. I just know that when I don’t have it, I can’t fake it. And in a world drowning in trinkets and knickknacks, reruns and plastic, people are hungry for the real thing. So I’ll keep fighting for wonder, and if you battle with me, we’ll have something great to bring to Christmas.

The greatest enhancement

Stop and think.  Think of God, better think of God’s mind. Imagine God with a concept of creation.  To create something that is perfectly designed, perfectly built, and perfectly understood. Think of a God who made decision after decision in the design of man. And once built, watching intently the happenstances and sometimes chaos resulting in His design.  Get inside the mind of God and seek the trillions of detailed decisions He made before He made it all. And He said it “WAS GOOD”.

We stop and think and wonder strange things and we ask questions.  “God why did you make the Duckbill Platypus and mosquitoes?”  And that is just the point of the greatest design enhancement, the greatest augmentation to his ultimate creation was to allow us to ask, “WHY.”

Questions are better!

Answers are often wrought with criticisms, dubious jumps of logic, and sometimes outright lies.  Answers are always are based upon the assumption of truth. It comes with the assumption and expectation of the holder as being true and therefore for true for everyone. The Issue is we do not see the world as it is. We see the world as we are. Our truth is not the same as anyone else’s truth.

Whereas questions are always honest, seeking and hopeful. Questions answer doors, renew discussion, build up ideas, create self-examination and most important they are most personal. Questions seek, questions try to understand, questions expose.

Answers are the temporary stopgap to questions. Answers are temporary responses.  Answers are subject to changing of accuracy and shift of decay over time.  The answers need to be reformed, remade and reevaluated as the self, community, church, and the world changes.  

God is found in questions not in answers.

Sadness of lost potential

I am troubled.  In my Bible studies, it is not often my emotions are bent to the melancholy. I am currently trying to comprehend the Church as it existed between Pentecost and the end of the century.  It is often characterized as the Apostolic age. The sadness comes from the fate of the Hebrew Church.  The very nature of the church in this age was inextricably tied to the faith of Israel.  For the years after Pentecost the church was a sect, a part, a division of Judaism.  What took my usually flatline mood was ultimate fate of the church that Jesus came to establish.  “First to the Jew” as Jesus said, did not come to a great revival of the Son’s of Abraham.  The church to which Jesus came to change never really happened.  The Church for the Hebrews, for all intents and purposes simply did not make it.

There was always a remnant and even today there are bits and pieces of the Hebrew church.  But for the most part, it is a gentile church.  For many in the first century and beyond, Jewish followers of Jesus did not form a different functioning religion. They lived in Judea and the Galilee, and as long as the Temple stood, they participated in its rites.

These chosen people of God who proclaimed Jesus as messiah were ostracized by their own families, their community, and ultimately by the church as it moved to a primarily gentile emphasis. The dual identity of the earliest followers of Jesus became the also rans of Christianity.  Seen as a threat to the established religion of Judaism and seen as an part of an anachronism in its death watch.

I read of some of the second generation of Christian leaders proclaiming those who believe in the Messiah Jesus and still practice Hebrew customs as an absurdity. I find a sense of intolerance in the church as it transitions across the century line which could well have contributed to the death of the Hebrew Church. 

What could have happened if the church stayed within the arms of the Mother of Judaism, we will never know. Could God’s design have been furthered by the incorporation of the traditions and customs of the Chosen people?  

Why am I sad? I would suppose, it is the could of, should of, would of world of conjecture. How much could the rich culture have added to the church’s beliefs of today?  Hence sadness.

God in the trunk.

Sometimes God seems distant.  You know what I mean, sometimes the Preachers sermon doesn’t quite hit the right spots for you.  It is when you go about your day and you know full well that God is everywhere, but you feel as thought instead of being in the passenger seat but more like back in the trunk. I don’t think that the God I serve and love and adore and most highly esteem is hiding but He seems a little far off.  It is as if He may well be taking a rest from all the junk He has to put up with from me.  I stick my nose into something when I shouldn’t, or I make a supposedly humorous remark that puts someone on edge.  It is probably a self-imposed distance, but it is hard to not notice the gap sometimes.

The good thing is that in a 50 years or less, God will not know me better than He does right now. He knows my weaknesses and my foibles yet He still loves me.  The second thing is that in 50 years or less I will know God much more than I do now.


Living in the fall years of my life, the most feared word in my world is “NO”.  No, means I shouldn’t, or can’t, or must not do something or have something.  One of the first words we all learn as very small children is the word “NO”. And now that dreaded negative faces me every day.  Whether by respect of others or knowing full well that I will often ignore the admonition of “NO”, there are few that would tell me to my face “NO”.  What has happened is that here in my now and whatever is left of this finite number of years is most of the “NO” in my life has become self-imposed. With all honesty it is easy to say “NO” to my self urge to go run a marathon. “NO” is easy to someone with who understands the changes to lifestyle that comes from making a few more cycles around the sun. 

I have learned that going to COSTCO and buying 2,000 rolls of toilet paper may not be a good thing because the last 2,000 rolls are still taking all the storage space in the laundry room already.  When the pre-pubescent counter person at the local fast food restaurant says, “Would you like to supersize that?”, I have learned to say “NO”.  How did I learn to say “NO” to my self?

I have learned to say that word because I have figured out for every “YES” which I do say, inherently I have to say “NO” to something else.  I have learned with every decision I make, another decision is made for me.  If I say “NO” to two pounds of French fries covered with another pound of chili all covered again with grated sharp cheddar cheese, I am saying “YES” to being able to sleep tonight.

I am studying Haggai in the Old Testament.  The goal of all the city of Jerusalem was to rebuild a temple which had be destroyed by Nebuchadnezzar 70 year before.  The new King Cyrus the Persian sent the craftsmen and builders to rebuild the temple.  They had reset the foundations and then stopped.  They decided their own homes were more important.  I saying yes to their own needs they were saying “NO” to their religious and principal duties.  It was Haggai the prophet that had to remind them they had their “YES”, “NO”, priorities messed up.

What was going on in Haggai was the “NO” were getting in the way of their “YES”.  So I am going to be more careful in self imposed “NOs” with the hope of being about to say “YES” more often.

Fertile soil of life

Chesterfield wrote that “without a good moral soil, art and reason will never flourish.” As I look around me, whether in politics, art, music, reason, discourse, conversation and culture, it is all about self. The culture today is one of no central moral soil.  We have no real moral compass that allows art and reason to find a home.  Without an environment of living for more than self, there will be no great art, no great discourse, no great progress, no great furtherance of life.

I just don’t see this infertile soil of morality today nurturing the best things, the progressive things, the living things that makes life worth the living.  Trying to live in a culture where what ever is good enough, is nothing more than a life of just getting on.  It is a life of pure pragmatism.  It is a life without hope. It is a life of what ever works.  There is little trying to make things better.  It is a pragmatism which settles for the moment and never for the possibility of future.  It is a place where majority ideas and thought patterns become the new norm. Further, this new norm changes from day to day.

Our culture just follows along, just staying a step ahead of the slowest.  Never excelling, never having a thought of our own. The mantra says, “What ever works for you must be good enough for me.”

I read some parts of social media.  The idea for a place to share your thoughts and ideas is a great concept.  But it has become a place of redundant re-post after re-post.  No new ideas, no sharing of who we really are.  All shares are of things or ideas of others that agree with you; fully expecting by taking the effort to post something at all is making the assumption that someone might be persuaded to think like you.  There is no critical thinking, no trying to learn of the person behind the pretty head shot picture.  There is no effort to learn more or to understand.  It is all being more impressive and thought provoking by posting someone the common drivel of some one else. There is no discourse for understanding. “If you don’t agree with them, that must be your problem. 

Meaning, purpose, commonality, adventuring spirit, an ever pushing ahead is simply not tolerated. And heaven forbid if I disagree with your post.  “Don’t do that, it offends me.” If you are going to post an idea of someone else you need to be able to defend that position, not to sit in the corner yelling, “I don’t love you anymore mommy.”

All that remains for our unthinking pragmatism is a comfortable existence of being OK.  No excellence, no reason, no meaning, no purpose, no excitement, no zest, no reaching out, no life but the status quo.  In the end, in doing only what works for you in the moment, will result in the discovery that it simply does not work for you.  Your life becomes a habitual malaise. Contrary thought is condemned.  Finding the reason for action becomes just too much work.  Purpose becomes, “just getting along.”  Life is nothing more than “safe spaces” and political correctness. It is a place where everyone gets a trophy.  It is an environment where equal rights become a demand for equal results.  There is no place for excellence.

It is only in finding more than self, more than the status quo, more than just getting along, more than pragmatism, more than being politically correct, more than being the perfect mediocre.  It is only within the eternal does the temporal find its relevance.  There is nothing without that eternal compass, that fertile soil seeded with the eternal which gives life more meaning.  IT is not things, or posts or the number of likes.

It is an eternal environment, not a temporal temporary that brings life.  It is only in the eternal that you ever really live.  Why?  Because it pushes us onward, one step at a time, toward the better way.

Relationship Ideas!

I have a file in my desk that captures all the things which I need to incorporate into my writings.  It is called “IDEAS”.  It is often surveyed for current relevance and note-worthiness.  Today I pulled one out that seemed to be apropos for today.  I seem to remember this list as a culmination of the teachings of Jesus from the Gospel of Mark.  A listing of relationship concepts that need to be nurtured and kept close to my heart.  It is in no specific order than being typed here.

  • We need an attitude of determination to have relationships.
  • We need to be willing to learn from others and be willing to change.
  • We need to recognize the authority of Jesus Christ.
  • We need to know Jesus personally.
  • We need to be dependent upon God.
  • We need to keep near the warmth of Christian fellowship
  • We need renewal and restoration includes confession to God.
  • We need to accept the responsibility of servanthood.
  • We need to love enough to lay down our lives.
  • God is faithful to us.  We must be faithful to Him.
  • God’s purpose in our personal world is to lead us to greater things.
  • We must let the Word of God stand in judgement of our lives.
  • Good News!  God loves me and loves you.

Pressing on

Where have the years gone? I sit here in my office. It is a place of study, writing, devotion and occasionally my granddaughter’s computer game room. I contemplate my life and wonder if all the ups and downs of my life really mean much.
Jobs have come and gone: from a janitor to an information technologist, from a meat cutter to a minister and a technical writer to a project manager. Jobs that could well range from a gritty endurance to pure joy.
Travel to special places and not so special are a part of my history. Formal education entitles me to put a few letters after my name. Fifty years of marriage, three kids and now two grandchildren make up my family. I have suffered market crashes and car accidents. I have relocated to Colorado, Idaho, Nevada and now make my home in California. There have been times of laughter, sadness, boredom, excitement, pain, dwindling health, and disappointment.
If there is one constant in my life it has been continual change. But now, here in my office, there seems to be an accepted permanence. It affords me time to write more often in this blog, write my second historical fiction, create Bible studies for men’s ministries, create videos for those who would ask. But change is inevitable.
It has been said there are but two constants in life: death and taxes. Sitting here reflecting on life I must disagree. Looking through my life the only relentless constant is God. It matters little if I have followed him every minute of every day or had some low points, God is still present in those times. I could have done better. I have failed to live up to my own expectations. But through it all God has been there. There has been special standing on the mountaintop type of moments where all is well. Conversely, I have dived the depths of the slough of despond. But God has been there. God has been my constant companion. Even when I did not realize it. His grace covered me and this love has guarded me.
It was Paul who said, “
In all the vicissitudes of life—every mountain-top moment and every lonely valley—God has been my constant helper. His presence has comforted me; His grace has covered me; His love has guarded me.
If I have learned anything, it is that we should live with an eternal perspective. If we seek happiness in this life only, we will miss the eternal prize.
Paul, by inspiration, says it best: “But I do not account my life of any value nor as precious to myself, if only I may finish my course and the ministry that I received from the Lord Jesus, to testify to the gospel of the grace of God.” (‭‭Acts‬ ‭20:24‬ ‭ESV‬‬). Again from Corinthians, “So we do not lose heart. Though our outer self is wasting away, our inner self is being renewed day by day. For this light momentary affliction is preparing for us an eternal weight of glory beyond all comparison, as we look not to the things that are seen but to the things that are unseen. For the things that are seen are transient, but the things that are unseen are eternal.”
In the meantime I plod along doing what I can and pressing toward the mark. I invite you on my journey.
Just Larry.

Leadership Dilemma

There is a myriad of stories of Bible studies, small groups, even churches that have less than stellar endpoints.  We look to many causes. “It was the building was not welcoming.”  The heat and cooling were not to my liking.” “There was not enough commitment from the church board.”  “There was an economic downturn in our area.” “The ministries were not meeting the needs of our socioeconomic mix.” And the list goes on and on.

I teach a regular Bible study specifically designed and presented to a subset of the congregation.  It is Men ministering to men.  The attendance has not always been equal from week to week and I am amazed at the progress each of these Christian disciples has come.  Never-the-less, I have to do personal inventory on a constant and continual schedule.  I want to make sure I am not the person that causes the change in attendance.

I am a very boisterous, loud, opinionated, strong personality. And this personal character must be kept in check within reason or there may well be an exodus from attendance. I don’t want to be an emotionally unhealthy Christian leader.

This emotional deficit is caused by a lack of inward understanding of my own feelings, my own weaknesses and limits.  It is this emotional detachment that also prevents an understanding of other’s feelings and perspectives.

Leadership that does not look inwardly will ultimately alienate all that is around them. As a remedy for this inward continual desire to be heard understood and agreed with comes a tendency to work a little harder, to volunteer for one more thing, to give of my time talent and treasure until they have little left.

This type of leader ends up engaging in more and more activities that what can not be sustained.  They seem to continually give out FOR God more than they receive FROM Him. They serve others to share the joy of Jesus because there is little joy in their efforts alone.

In their more honest moments, they admit that their cup with God is empty or, at best, half full, hardly overflowing with the divine joy and love they proclaim to others.

As a result, with all the balls in the air, a leader must continually grab at the next one lest one should fall.  And in the heavenly juggling act, the time and effort due to the current ball in hand go into “good enough” category.

In the process, they obscure the beauty and perfection of Christ they say they want the whole world to see. No well-intentioned leader would set out to lead this way, but it happens all the time.