Matthews 5:9 “Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called the children of God.”


As I was reading through this message and imagining myself among the inquisitive masses, this one line seems different. It is the only one which is a promise if a future title. Yes, the makers of peace are blessed, that is a simple description of the current state of the task. Here he says that in the future and not during effort, a title will be given. My actions as seen by others will be seen as actions of peace and I will receive, not from God but from those around me a title of peacemaker. I will become the go to person when there is strife.  I will become trusted to listen to both sides and provide a reasonable solution to the dispute. What a reputation!

I hear Jesus telling me the better alternative to hurt, pain and resentment, is being a peacemaker. He tells me that I have a calling to make peace. Peacemaking is me doing something for the concept of peace. Peacemaking is about my willingness to go further than the hurt.

I need a new relationship with God with a united peacemaking cause and to reach out to make peace. It is the calling of all children of God.

Today, I will dedicate my every action with the purpose of making peace.  I will not lash out, I will try to make peace when others seem bent to tear things up.  I will stand in the gap when there is conflict and bring the hope of peace.

And again, that peace must start with me.  Oh Lord, Remind me again that you desire peace among your children.