Blessed are the Meek

Matthew 5:5 “Blessed are the meek, for they shall inherit the earth.”


Third on the list of attitudes of belief given in Jesus’s sermon is translated either as “meekness” or “gentleness”.

This disturbs me because occasionally I am impatient when I am trying to get something done and there is some competition distracting me.  I do not tolerate interruptions well.  For me, there is no such thing as multitasking. I must admit there are times when it is difficult to walk and chew gum. Similarly, the multitude could not walk along the paths of life and learn from Him at the same time. The time and effort to switch from walking to learning lent itself to errors due to insufficient attention.  Jesus stopped on the grassy hillside because he knew well that life often interrupts change.

Patient endurance of life is an activity of distraction.  Endurance is something that must be done. It was a “keep calm and carry on” type of thing. All the energy of putting up a good face, living life amid turmoil, and getting your just rewards prevent the attainment of something better.  This something better was simply relaxing and letting God sort it out. It is being meek.  It is being gentle.  It is stopping what I am doing and facing interruption as an opportunity for learning.  Why?  Because I already have an inheritance of focus. Blessed are they who are interrupted and relishing the moment because it is all good. I can stop in the middle of thousands of competing attention grabbers and simply listen.

# Just Larry

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