Change for Change sake, I think not.

How are we to assume we have a better idea of how to make over our American culture?  How can we simply say, “my own intellect is better and I can conceive and implement a better way of making a new process to make our culture better.”  How is my mind  or your mind, any better than the cumulative wisdom and practices of two hundred years?  How is my mind, my understandings, my process, my politics, my take on what is right and wrong, more suited to the task of molding my culture than the sum of eight or nine generations before me. 

A politician once ran for President of the United States on a platform of “Hope and Change.” I often see the need for change for a thousand reasons.  Inequality, social class, life taken as a whim, liberty limited by government, and even the pursuit of happiness has hundreds of regulations and restrictions.  All of them were implemented in the name of justice. They all seem to shout for change. We are on the edge of great decisions for our country. 

At issue is the current political majority demands change by the implementation of additional restrictions and regulations.  More kinking of the hose in the hope that everyone will get enough water.

But is this new “change for change sake” methodology, this social solution better than what has gone on before.  Is our United States Constitution to be thrown away just because someone has a better idea? Can we permit the rule of Law to be circumvented by personal fiat?  How does a body of men and women, each with their own agendas, seem to be bent to change our country just for the sake of change?

Help me to understand.